Not working / Pi-hole Core v5.18 released to fix

just updated but got error:

where as

Are you able to read that file as the user running Pi-hole?


What does

stat -c "%a" /usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST


Are you user pi is the user for Pi-hole? Typically it's pihole.

pi@pihole:[/usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST] $ stat -c "%a" /usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST

running user is pihole - correct, but
sudo to not possible "This account is currently not available."

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 19 2022 BLOCKLIST

Thanks, can you do that stat for the file?

stat -c "%a" /usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST/UNITED_BLOCKING.txt

pi@pihole:[/usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST] $ stat -c "%a" /usr/local/etc/BLOCKLIST/UNITED_BLOCKING.txt

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Thanks, checking it now.

Okay, setting up a point release to tweak the comparisons.

thx, testing, will come back

looks good now! Thx for the quick fix - anything left to be done in addition manually (fixing?) on my side?

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