Logs not Flushing

Folks, After an SD card problem reinstalled Pi-Hole, the system seems to be working except Flush Logs does not clear the logs, dashboard still lists all the data, try again still no clear. The info windown suggests however that it has been successful.

If I use pihole -f I get the following error;

Blockquote pihole -f
sed: can't read /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.conf: No such file or directory
[i] Flushing /var/log/pihole.log .../opt/pihole/piholeLogFlush.sh: line 56: sqlite3: command not found
[✓] Flushed /var/log/pihole.log
[✓] Deleted queries from database

Your debug token is: cj0xmivdx0

Appreciate your comments before I reinstall.


You seem to be missing some of the dependencies.

Can you try a pihole -r > Repair?

Thank you for prompt reply.

Tried that, read out shows;

Checking for sqlite3 (will be installed)

No progress showed on the retrieving and installation bar then it returns to command line prompt after around a minute wait.

Tried it again as sudo.

Still same problems as original post.

It may be easier to try a reinstall though no problems were experienced with original install.


try installing it manually:

sudo apt install sqlite3

Then run the pihole -r again.

Ramset, thanks for suggestion but I reinstalled...

All appears OK now.


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