Log File Size

I understand that Pi-Hole deletes certain log files every 48 hours.

I have a TP-Link plug that consistently tries to contact TP-Link that I have blocked, there are thousands of entries in the blocked list giving me around 50% blockage.

Not sure if a large file has much effect on performance but I do flush it manually.

Question, is it beneficial to flush this file or is the 48 hours sufficient?


Are you on the regular version of Pi-hole or are you participating in the beta testing? In the latter case, I'd just suggest disabling the logs at all (with FTLDNS we don't need them anymore as we handle everything much more efficiently).

With the regular version of Pi-hole, regular flushing might even be counter-productive regarding performance as every flushing will trigger a complete reanalysis of the historical data and FTL will be busy for quite some time depending on your hardware and amount of historical information.

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Regular version.

Ok, I'll refrain from flushing logs.


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